Finding Free Stock Photos for Girl Bosses
We’ve made the task of finding great quality free stock photos for girl bosses with a feminine look so much easier!
Being an online entrepreneur comes with many requirements, and you will find that having gorgeous, styled free stock images is one of them. In fact, beautiful photos are precisely what you need to create attractive visual materials that will engage your followers and draw in even more. This is the case for traditional brick-and-mortar businesses and online businesses.
It’s true that exclusive photography is very appealing but also costly or at least time-consuming. No matter if you decide to do it yourself or hire a commercial photographer.
What Gives?
Luckily, you can choose to focus more on other aspects of your business and simply use copyright-free images for your products, posts, and social media.
It’s as easy as finding a free styled stock photo and adding your text to create a pretty graphic for your business. For this reason, you will find many places that offer free stock photos.
But, we’ve made the task of finding great quality free, styled stock photos with a feminine look so much easier!
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9 Places to Find Free Stock Photos for Girl Bosses
Are you ready to save yourself a serious amount of time? Below you’ll find a selection of the best free stock photo websites you can rely on for all your girl boss business needs!
Keep in mind that each of these websites offers copyright-free images that allow commercial use, but you may still want to check the licensing for each individual image you plan to use to ensure you are not breaking any rules.
1. Pixabay
Pixabay is very popular for its vast library of almost 2 million free images, so you can use it for all your photo needs. Of course, it has numerous girly stock images with beautiful styling and for almost any occasion. If you don’t know where to start, try using some relevant keywords for your search, such as “flat lay” or “styled desk”.
2. Styledstock
Styledstock is a specialized website that has some gorgeous styled image templates you can use to create outstanding graphics. While they do have a premium category, you will find more than enough free feminine-styled photos to choose from.
3. Unsplash
Unsplash also has an impressive variety of copyright-free images and plenty of stock photos for your girl boss needs! You have several resolutions to choose from when you download, including larger sizes, so you will be able to crop and manipulate the pics as you like.
4. Ivory Mix
Ivorymix is another exciting, free stock photos library that requires an email subscription to access it. However, it is totally worth it. You will be able to download and use over 550 free styled stock images, and if you decide to keep your subscription get ready to receive new freebies in your inbox every month!
5. Pexels
Pexels has a look and feel similar to other stock photo websites, and you will find some fantastic styled images here. A nice feature is the ability to set a custom size before downloading an image, so you might just save yourself some time and skip the cropping part.
6. Oily Chic
Yep, you can find free stock photos for your business right here! Download a free pack of unique, essential oil stock photography designed for Instagram growth. Post one today with your favorite essential oil recipes, diffuser blends, or lifestyle tips!
7. Picjumbo
Picjumbo has some excellent search tools that are really helpful! Notice the search filter called “space for text” available on the home page. This option is great for finding not only styled photos but other images where you can apply text and use them to increase brand awareness and expand your social media reach (there’s also a “flat lay” filter, so keep that one in mind too).
8. Rawpixel
Rawpixel is a fast-growing media library that includes a mix of free, premium, and public domain images and also vector graphics. Their collection of free stock images is quite diverse, and you might even make use of their free graphics for your branding and promotions.
9. Stocksnap
Stocksnap offers a ton of image categories, and each has a few keyword-based subcategories, so you can easily find the perfect girly stock photo or any other image. More importantly, all their photos are licensed under the Creative Commons License so you won’t face copyright restrictions.
Carve out more time to do what you do best in your business by using these free stock photos with girl bosses in mind.
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Have you tried one of these options for free stock photos? Are we missing something? Drop in the comments to share! Don’t forget to snag some stock photos on us while you’re here!