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Chic Essential Oil Blends

Discover your perfect vibe with our popular essential oil blend recipes!

Essential oil blends are the easiest and, quite possibly, the most personalized way to use essential oils. Whether it’s a cozy blend, calming mood, or trending scent you’re after, find an Oily Chic blend infuse your day here!

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Inside, you’ll find an ever-growing library of trending essential oil topics, printable recipe cards, labels, worksheets, and guides.

Looking for a blend to infuse your day? Search Here!

Our Most Loved Recipes

A DIY reed diffuser is simple and inexpensive to make. You likely have a small decorative vessel in our home that you can turn easily into a homemade diffuser.

DIY Reed Diffuser

When you want to create a subtle ambience for those spaces in your home that aren’t ideal for candles or diffusers, turn to an essential oil reed diffuser. Here’s how I make a DIY reed diffuser with just a few supplies!